You can beat or jail me or even kill me, but I am not going to be what you want me to be! -Steve Biko

domingo, 2 de febrero de 2014

"Cry Freedom"

"Cry Freedom" (1987) is a real story based on the two books from Donald Woods. It shows the friendship between a white liberal South African editor, Donald Woods, and Steve Biko, an idealistic black leader who later dies at the hands of the South African police. We can see two different parts in the movie: The part where Donald meets Biko and starts thinking like him and the one after Biko’s death, where we see the editor's desire to escape South Africa and publish a book with the real cause of his friend’s death because he refuses to believe the official one: a hunger strike. "Cry Freedom" is an emotional, breathtaking and valuable movie, and in my opinion, it should definitely be seen because even if everybody has heard about lots of racist historical events and revolutions, few people really know what a racist country looks and feels like and this movie helps to visualize it. The movie was shot in Zimbabwe, and I think it is such a good place to film it because it’s a country where there’s still some racism nowadays and lots of poverty. So, I think that they have done an amazing job with this movie because thanks to it we really know how Black people suffered because of racism and it’s very emotional seeing them fighting for their rights no matter what. Finally, I really admire Donald’s behavior because it was very brave being against his own government and people for others that we first wasn’t concerned with, even if it means risking his life and his family’s.

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